Source code for prepshot._model.nondispatchable

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module contains functions related to nondispatchable technologies. 
For non-dispatchable technologies, their power output is constrained by
the predefined capacity factors as follows:

.. math::

    {\\rm{cap}}_{y,z,e}^{\\rm{existingtech}}\\quad\\forall h,m,y,z,e\\in

import pyoptinterface as poi

[docs]class AddNondispatchableConstraints: """Add constraints for nondispatchable technologies. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model : object) -> None: """Initialize the class and add constraints. Parameters ---------- model : object Model object depending on the solver. """ self.model = model if model.nondispatchable_tech != 0: model.renew_gen_cons = poi.make_tupledict( model.hour, model.month, model.year,, model.nondispatchable_tech, rule=self.renew_gen_rule )
[docs] def renew_gen_rule( self, h : int, m : int, y : int, z : str, te : str ) -> poi.ConstraintIndex: """Renewable generation is determined by the capacity factor and existing capacity. Parameters ---------- h : int Hour. m : int Month. y : int Year. z : str Zone. te : str Technology. Returns ------- poi.ConstraintIndex The constraint of the model. """ model = self.model cf = model.params['capacity_factor'][te, z, y, m, h] dt = model.params['dt'] cap = model.cap_existing[y, z, te] gen = model.gen[h, m, y, z, te] lhs = gen - cap * cf * dt return model.add_linear_constraint(lhs, poi.Leq, 0)