
This page provides instructions on how to install and use PREP-SHOT. The installation process is divided into the following steps:

Step 1: Download PREP-SHOT

Ensure you have downloaded the PREP-SHOT model from the GitHub repository.

You may either clone the repository using the command:

git clone

or download the repository as a zip file here.

Step 2: Install dependencies

Assuming you have already installed Python, the requirements.txt file contains all the dependencies for the project (default install open-source solver HiGHS). I also recommend create a new environment for PREP-SHOT and installing the dependencies within the new environement. This approach isolates the project and its dependencies, helping to prevent conflicts with other Python projects.

conda create -n prep-shot python=3.8
conda activate prep-shot
pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 3: Run an example (Optional)

Once the environment is activated, you can run an example of Tutorial with the following command:


You can also run examples using Jupyter notebooks located in the ./example/ directory.

PREP-SHOT default solve models using open-source solver HiGHS. also support commercial solvers, including Gurobi, COPT and MOSEK. They offer academic licenses. To use these solvers, you need to install them and modify the solver in the config.json file.

Step 4: Run your own model

You can prepare your input data referring to the example in the input and southeast folder. The detailed input data are introduced in the Tutorial. After preparing the input data, you can modify the config.json file to set the solver and other parameters. Then you can run your model with the following command:
