Source code for prepshot._model.hydro

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module contains functions related to hydropower technologies.

1. Water balance of reservoirs.

Similar to the storage technologies, changes in reservoir storage
(:math:`{\\rm{storage}}_{s,h,m,y}^{\\rm{reservoir}}`) in two successive periods
should be balanced by total inflow
(:math:`{\\rm{inflow}}_{s,h,m,y}^{\\rm{total}}`) and total outflow

.. math::
    \\Delta h\\times3600\\times\\left({\\rm{inflow}}_{s,h,m,y}^{\\rm{total}}
    -{\\rm{outflow}}_{s,h,m,y}^{\\rm{total}}\\right)\\quad\\forall s,h,m,y

Here :math:`{\\rm{inflow}}_{s,h,m,y}^{\\rm{total}}` consists of two parts:
the total outflow received from all immediate upstream reservoirs
and the net inflow (also called incremental inflow) of the drainage area
controlled by this hydropower reservoir
which can be expressed as follows:

.. math::
    \\tau_{{\\rm{su}},s},m,y}^{\\rm{total}}}\\quad\\forall s,h,m,y

Note that PREP-SHOT assumes a constant water travel (or propagation) time
(:math:`{\\tau}_{{\\rm{su}},s}`). The total outflow of each reservoir consists
of three parts: upstream water withdrawal (i.e., water used for non-hydro
purposes such as agriculture irrigation and urban water supply)
(:math:`{\\rm{outflow}}_{s,h,m,y}^{\\rm{withdraw}}`), generation flow
(i.e., water flow through the turbines of the hydropower plant)
(:math:`{\\rm{outflow}}_{s,h,m,y}^{\\rm{gen}}`) and spillage flow
(i.e., water spilled over the spillways)

.. math::
    +{\\rm{outflow}}_{s,h,m,y}^{\\rm{spillage}}\\quad\\forall s,h,m,y

2. Reservoir outflow

The generation flow and spillage flow of the reservoir are limited by the
maximum outflow capacity of turbines (:math:`{\\rm{OUTFLOW}}_s^{\\rm{gen}}`)
and spillway (:math:`{\\rm{OUTFLOW}}_s^{\\rm{spillage}}`), respectively.
The sum of these two parts also needs to meet the minimum outflow required
(:math:`{{\\rm{OUTFLOW}}}_s`) for other purposes
(e.g., ecological flow, shipping flow). These constraints are summarized as:

.. math::
    \\quad\\forall s,h,m,y
    {\\rm{OUTFLOW}}_s^{\\rm{spillage}}\\quad\\forall s,h,m,y

    {{\\rm{OUTFLOW}}}_s\\le {\\rm{outflow}}_{s,h,m,y}^{\\rm{gen}}
    +{\\rm{outflow}}_{s,h,m,y}^{\\rm{spillage}}\\quad\\forall s,h,m,y

3. Reservoir storage

The initial (when :math:`h=h_{\\rm{start}}`) and terminal
(when :math:`h=h_{\\rm{end}}`) storage
and :math:`{\\rm{storage}}_{s,h=h_{\\rm{end}},m,y}^{\\rm{reservoir}}`)
of hydropower reservoir in each month of each year should be assigned as:

.. math::

    ={{\\rm{STORAGE}}}_{s,m,y}^{\\rm{initreservoir}}\\quad\\forall s,m,y

    ={{\\rm{STORAGE}}}_{s,m,y}^{\\rm{endreservoir}}\\quad\\forall s,m,y

The reservoir storage is bounded between the maximum
(:math:`{\\overline{{\\rm{STORAGE}}}}_s^{\\rm{reservoir}}`) and minimum storage
(:math:`{\\underline{{\\rm{STORAGE}}}}_s^{\\rm{reservoir}}`) depending on the
functions (e.g., flood control, recreation, and water supply) of the reservoir:

.. math::
    {\\overline{{\\rm{STORAGE}}}}_s^{\\rm{reservoir}}\\quad\\forall s,h,m,y
import pyoptinterface as poi

[docs]class AddHydropowerConstraints: """Class for hydropower constraints and calculations. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model : object) -> None: """Initialize the class. Here I define the variables needed and the constraints for the hydropower model. Parameters ---------- model : object Model container which is a dict-like objective and includes parameters, variables and constraints. """ self.model = model if model.params['isinflow']: model.outflow = poi.make_tupledict( model.station, model.hour, model.month, model.year, rule=self.outflow_rule ) model.inflow = poi.make_tupledict( model.station, model.hour, model.month, model.year, rule=self.inflow_rule ) model.water_balance_cons = poi.make_tupledict( model.station, model.hour, model.month, model.year, rule=self.water_balance_rule ) model.init_storage_cons = poi.make_tupledict( model.station, model.month, model.year, rule=self.init_storage_rule ) model.end_storage_cons = poi.make_tupledict( model.station, model.month, model.year, rule=self.end_storage_rule ) model.output_calc_cons = poi.make_tupledict( model.station, model.hour, model.month, model.year, rule=self.output_calc_rule ) model.outflow_low_bound_cons = poi.make_tupledict( model.station, model.hour, model.month, model.year, rule=self.outflow_low_bound_rule ) model.outflow_up_bound_cons = poi.make_tupledict( model.station, model.hour, model.month, model.year, rule=self.outflow_up_bound_rule ) model.genflow_up_bound_cons = poi.make_tupledict( model.station, model.hour, model.month, model.year, rule=self.genflow_up_bound_rule ) model.storage_low_bound_cons = poi.make_tupledict( model.station, model.hour, model.month, model.year, rule=self.storage_low_bound_rule ) model.storage_up_bound_cons = poi.make_tupledict( model.station, model.hour, model.month, model.year, rule=self.storage_up_bound_rule ) model.output_low_bound_cons = poi.make_tupledict( model.station, model.hour, model.month, model.year, rule=self.output_low_bound_rule ) model.output_up_bound_cons = poi.make_tupledict( model.station, model.hour, model.month, model.year, rule=self.output_up_bound_rule ) model.hydro_output_cons = poi.make_tupledict( model.hour, model.month, model.year,, rule=self.hydro_output_rule )
[docs] def inflow_rule( self, s : str, h : int, m : int, y : int ) -> poi.ExprBuilder: """Define hydrolic connnect between cascade reservoirs, total inflow of downsteam reservoir = natural inflow + upstream outflow from upsteam reservoir(s). Parameters ---------- s : str hydropower plant. h : int Hour. m : int Month. y : int Year. Returns ------- poi.ExprBuilder Total inflow of reservoir. """ model = self.model hour = model.params['hour'] wdt = model.params['water_delay_time'] dt = model.params['dt'] up_stream_outflow = poi.ExprBuilder() # Assume the delay time is a constant by default. Other routing methods # can be implemented here such as Muskingum method, piecewise linear # routing method, etc. for ups, delay in zip( wdt[wdt['NEXTPOWER_ID'] == s].POWER_ID, wdt[wdt['NEXTPOWER_ID'] == s].delay ): delay = int(int(delay)/dt) if h - delay >= hour[0]: t = h - delay else: t = hour[-1] + h - delay up_stream_outflow += model.outflow[ups, t, m, y] return up_stream_outflow + model.params['inflow'][s, y, m, h]
[docs] def outflow_rule( self, s : str, h : int, m : int, y : int ) -> poi.ExprBuilder: """Total outflow of reservoir is equal to the sum of generation and spillage. Parameters ---------- s : str hydropower plant. h : int Hour. m : int Month. y : int Year. Returns ------- poi.ExprBuilder Total outflow of reservoir. """ model = self.model return model.genflow[s, h, m, y] + model.spillflow[s, h, m, y]
[docs] def water_balance_rule( self, s : str, h : int, m : int, y : int ) -> poi.ConstraintIndex: """Water balance of reservoir, i.e., storage[t] = storage[t-1] + net_storage[t]. Parameters ---------- s : str hydropower plant. h : int Hour. m : int Month. y : int Year. Returns ------- poi.ConstraintIndex The constraint of the model. """ model = self.model lhs = poi.ExprBuilder() lhs += 3600 * model.params['dt'] * ( model.inflow[s, h, m, y] - model.outflow[s, h, m, y] - model.withdraw[s, h, m, y] ) # netstorage lhs += model.storage_reservoir[s, h-1, m, y] lhs -= model.storage_reservoir[s, h, m, y] return model.add_linear_constraint(lhs, poi.Eq, 0)
[docs] def init_storage_rule( self, s : str, m : int, y : int ) -> poi.ConstraintIndex: """Determine storage of reservoir in the initial hour of each month. Parameters ---------- s : str hydropower plant. m : int Month. y : int Year. Returns ------- poi.ConstraintIndex The constraint of the model. """ model = self.model hour_period = model.hour_p init_storage = model.params['initial_reservoir_storage_level'][m, s] lhs = model.storage_reservoir[s, hour_period[0], m, y] - init_storage return model.add_linear_constraint(lhs, poi.Eq, 0)
[docs] def end_storage_rule( self, s : str, m : int, y : int ) -> poi.ConstraintIndex: """Determine storage of reservoir in the terminal hour of each month. Parameters ---------- s : str hydropower plant. m : int Month. y : int Year. Returns ------- poi.ConstraintIndex The constraint of the model. """ model = self.model hour_period = model.hour_p final_storage = model.params['final_reservoir_storage_level'][m, s] lhs = model.storage_reservoir[s, hour_period[-1], m, y] - final_storage return model.add_linear_constraint(lhs, poi.Eq, 0)
[docs] def outflow_low_bound_rule( self, s : str, h : int, m : int, y : int ) -> poi.ConstraintIndex: """Lower bound of total outflow. Parameters ---------- s : str hydropower plant. h : int Hour. m : int Month. y : int Year. Returns ------- poi.ConstraintIndex The constraint of the model. """ model = self.model rc = model.params['reservoir_characteristics'] min_outflow = rc['outflow_min', s] lhs = model.outflow[s, h, m, y] - min_outflow return model.add_linear_constraint(lhs, poi.Geq, 0)
[docs] def outflow_up_bound_rule( self, s : str, h : int, m : int, y : int ) -> poi.ConstraintIndex: """Upper bound of total outflow. Parameters ---------- s : str hydropower plant. h : int Hour. m : int Month. y : int Year. Returns ------- poi.ConstraintIndex The constraint of the model. """ model = self.model rc = model.params['reservoir_characteristics'] max_outflow = rc['outflow_max', s] lhs = model.outflow[s, h, m, y] - max_outflow return model.add_linear_constraint(lhs, poi.Leq, 0)
[docs] def genflow_up_bound_rule( self, s : str, h : int, m : int, y : int ) -> poi.ConstraintIndex: """Upper bound of generation flow. Parameters ---------- s : str hydropower plant. h : int Hour. m : int Month. y : int Year. Returns ------- poi.ConstraintIndex The constraint of the model. """ model = self.model rc = model.params['reservoir_characteristics'] max_genflow = rc['GQ_max', s] lhs = model.genflow[s, h, m, y] - max_genflow return model.add_linear_constraint(lhs, poi.Leq, 0)
[docs] def storage_low_bound_rule( self, s : str, h : int, m : int, y : int ) -> poi.ConstraintIndex: """Lower bound of reservoir storage. Parameters ---------- s : str hydropower plant. h : int Hour. m : int Month. y : int Year. Returns ------- poi.ConstraintIndex The constraint of the model. """ model = self.model min_storage = model.params['reservoir_storage_lower_bound'][s, m, h] lhs = model.storage_reservoir[s, h, m, y] - min_storage return model.add_linear_constraint(lhs, poi.Geq, 0)
[docs] def storage_up_bound_rule( self, s : str, h : int, m : int, y : int ) -> poi.ConstraintIndex: """Upper bound of reservoir storage. Parameters ---------- s : str hydropower plant. h : int Hour. m : int Month. y : int Year. Returns ------- poi.ConstraintIndex The constraint of the model. """ model = self.model max_storage = model.params['reservoir_storage_upper_bound'][s, m, h] lhs = model.storage_reservoir[s, h, m, y] - max_storage return model.add_linear_constraint(lhs, poi.Leq, 0)
[docs] def output_low_bound_rule( self, s : str, h : int, m : int, y : int ) -> poi.ConstraintIndex: """Lower bound of hydropower output. Parameters ---------- s : str hydropower plant. h : int Hour. m : int Month. y : int Year. Returns ------- poi.ConstraintIndex The constraint of the model. """ model = self.model min_output = model.params['reservoir_characteristics']['N_min', s] lhs = model.output[s, h, m, y] - min_output return model.add_linear_constraint(lhs, poi.Geq, 0)
[docs] def output_up_bound_rule( self, s : str, h : int, m : int, y : int ) -> poi.ConstraintIndex: """Upper bound of hydropower output. Parameters ---------- s : str hydropower plant. h : int Hour. m : int Month. y : int Year. Returns ------- poi.ConstraintIndex The constraint of the model. """ model = self.model max_output = model.params['reservoir_characteristics']['N_max', s] lhs = model.output[s, h, m, y] - max_output return model.add_linear_constraint(lhs, poi.Leq, 0)
[docs] def output_calc_rule( self, s : str, h : int, m : int, y :int ) -> poi.ConstraintIndex: """Hydropower production calculation. Head parameter is specified after building the model. Parameters ---------- s : str hydropower plant. h : int Hour. m : int Month. y : int Year. Returns ------- poi.ConstraintIndex The constraint of the model. """ model = self.model efficiency = model.params['reservoir_characteristics']['coeff', s] lhs = ( model.output[s, h, m, y] - model.genflow[s, h, m, y] * efficiency * 1e-3 # * head_param ) return model.add_linear_constraint(lhs, poi.Eq, 0)
[docs] def hydro_output_rule( self, h : int, m : int, y : int, z : str ) -> poi.ConstraintIndex: """Hydropower output of all hydropower plants across each zone. Parameters ---------- h : int Hour. m : int Month. y : int Year. z : str Zone. Returns ------- poi.ConstraintIndex The constraint of the model. """ model = self.model tech_type = model.params['technology_type'] res_char = model.params['reservoir_characteristics'] dt = model.params['dt'] predifined_hydro = model.params['predefined_hydropower'] hydro_type = [i for i, j in tech_type.items() if j == 'hydro'] if len(hydro_type) == 0: return None if model.params['isinflow']: hydro_output = poi.quicksum( model.output[s, h, m, y] * model.params['dt'] for s in model.station if res_char['zone', s] == z ) lhs = hydro_output lhs -= model.gen[h, m, y, z, hydro_type[0]] else: lhs = (model.gen[h, m, y, z, hydro_type[0]] - predifined_hydro['Hydro', z, y, m, h] * dt ) return model.add_linear_constraint(lhs, poi.Eq, 0)