Source code for prepshot._model.generation

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module contains constraints related to technology generation.
The power output of storage and each dispatchable (exclude hydropower)
technology (:math:`{\\rm{power}}_{h,m,y,z,e}`) is limited by the existing
installed capacity (:math:`{\\rm{cap}}_{y,z,e}^{\\rm{existingtech}}`)
and minimum technical output, as follows:

.. math::

    {\\rm{cap}}_{y,z,e}^{\\rm{existingtech}}\\quad\\forall h,m,y,z,e\\in
    {\\mathcal{STOR}}\ \&\ {\\mathcal{DISP}}

Since hydropower processes are explicitly modelled at the plant level in
PREP-SHOT, total hydropower output in zone
:math:`z` (:math:`{\\rm{power}}_{h,m,y,z,e={\\rm{hydro}}}`) is the sum of the
plant-level hydropower output

.. math::

    {\\rm{power}}_{s,h,m,y}^{\\rm{hydro}}\\quad\\forall h,m,y,z

Here, calculation of :math:`{\\rm{power}}^{\\rm{hydro}}_{s,h,m,y}` is obtained
by external net water head simulation procedure. In addition,
:math:`{\\rm{power}}^{\\rm{hydro}}_{s,h,m,y}` is bounded between the guaranteed
minimum output (:math:`{\\underline{{\\rm{POWER}}}}_s^{\\rm{hydro}}`) and the
nameplate capacity (:math:`{{\\rm{CAP}}}_s^{\\rm{hydro}}`), as follows:

Regardless of the technology type, actual power generation
(:math:`{\\rm{gen}}_{h,m,y,z,e}`) in a corresponding period :math:`\\Delta h`
can be calculated based on the power output (:math:`{\\rm{power}}_{h,m,y,z,e}`)
and the generation efficiency (:math:`\\eta_{y,e}^{\\rm{out}}`):

.. math::

    {\\rm{gen}}_{h,m,y,z,e} = {\\rm{power}}_{h,m,y,z,e}\\times\\Delta h
    \\times\eta_{y,e}^{\\rm{out}}\\quad \\forall h,m,y,z,e\\in {\\mathcal{E}}

Note that :math:`\\eta_{y,e}^{\\rm{out}}=1` when
:math:`e\\in {\\mathcal{E}}\\backslash {\\mathcal{STOR}}`. 

All technologies apart from dispatchable technology are limited by the
so-called ramping capability, meaning that the variation of their power output
in two successive periods is limited.  We introduce two non-negative auxiliary
variables: increment (:math:`{\rm{power}}_{h,m,y,z,e}^{\rm{up}}`) and decrement
(:math:`{\rm{power}}_{h,m,y,z,e}^{\rm{down}}`) to describe changes in power
output in two successive periods (from :math:`h`-1 to :math:`h`) as follows:

.. math::

    \\quad\\forall h,m,y,z,e\ \\in {\\mathcal{E}}\\backslash {\\mathcal{NDISP}}

When the power plant ramps up from :math:`h`-1 to :math:`h`,
the minimum of :math:`{\\rm{power}}_{h,m,y,z,e}^{\\rm{up}}` is obtained when
:math:`{\\rm{power}}_{h,m,y,z,e}^{\\rm{down}}` becomes zero. Similarly, when
the power plant ramps down from :math:`h`-1 to :math:`h`, the minimum of
:math:`{\\rm{power}}_{h,m,y,z,e}^{\\rm{down}}` is obtained when
:math:`{\\rm{power}}_{h,m,y,z,e}^{\\rm{up}}` becomes zero. Therefore,
we can constrain the maximum ramping up and down respectively, as follows:

.. math::
    \\Delta h\\times {\\rm{cap}}_{y,z,e}^{\\rm{existingtech}}\\quad
    \\forall h,m,y,z,e\\in {\\mathcal{E}}\\backslash {\\mathcal{NDISP}}

.. math::
    \\Delta h\\times {\\rm{cap}}_{y,z,e}^{\\rm{existingtech}}
    \\quad\\forall h,m,y,z,e\\in {\\mathcal{E}}\\backslash {\\mathcal{NDISP}}

where :math:`{{R}}_e^{\\rm{up}}$/${{R}}_e^{\\rm{down}}` is the allowed
maximum/minimum ramping up/down capacity of technology :math:`e` in two
successive periods, expressed as a percentage of the existing capacity
of storage technology :math:`e`.

import pyoptinterface as poi

[docs]class AddGenerationConstraints: """Add constraints for generation in the model. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model : object) -> None: """Initialize the class and add constraints. Parameters ---------- model : object Model object depending on the solver. """ self.model = model model.gen_up_bound_cons = poi.make_tupledict( model.hour, model.month, model.year,,, rule=self.gen_up_bound_rule ) model.ramping_up_cons = poi.make_tupledict( model.hour, model.month, model.year,,, rule=self.ramping_up_rule ) model.ramping_down_cons = poi.make_tupledict( model.hour, model.month, model.year,,, rule=self.ramping_down_rule )
[docs] def gen_up_bound_rule( self, h : int, m : int, y : int, z : str, te : str ) -> poi.ConstraintIndex: """Generation is less than or equal to the existing capacity. Parameters ---------- h : int Hour. m : int Month. y : int Year. z : str Zone. te : str Technology. Returns ------- poi.ConstraintIndex The constraint of the model. """ model = self.model lhs = model.gen[h, m, y, z, te] \ - model.cap_existing[y, z, te] * model.params['dt'] return model.add_linear_constraint(lhs, poi.Leq, 0)
[docs] def ramping_up_rule( self, h : int, m : int, y : int, z : str, te : str ) -> poi.ConstraintIndex: """Ramping up limits. Parameters ---------- h : int Hour. m : int Month. y : int Year. z : str Zone. te : str Technology. Returns ------- poi.ConstraintIndex The constraint of the model. """ model = self.model rp = model.params['ramp_up'][te] * model.params['dt'] if rp < 1 < h: lhs = ( model.gen[h, m, y, z, te] - model.gen[h-1, m, y, z, te] - rp * model.cap_existing[y, z, te] ) return model.add_linear_constraint(lhs, poi.Leq, 0)
[docs] def ramping_down_rule( self, h : int, m : int, y : int, z : str, te : str ) -> poi.ConstraintIndex: """Ramping down limits. Parameters ---------- h : int Hour. m : int Month. y : int Year. z : str Zone. te : str Technology. Returns ------- poi.ConstraintIndex The constraint of the model. """ model = self.model rd = model.params['ramp_down'][te] * model.params['dt'] if rd < 1 < h: lhs = ( model.gen[h-1, m, y, z, te] - model.gen[h, m, y, z, te] - rd * model.cap_existing[y, z, te] ) return model.add_linear_constraint(lhs, poi.Leq, 0)