#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module contains constraints related to demand. The model computes
the power balance for each hour, in each time period, for each year,
and in each zone, as follows:
.. math::
{{\\rm{DEMAND}}}_{h,m,y,z}\\times\\Delta h = \\sum_{z_{\\rm{from}}\\in
- \\sum_{z_{\\rm{to}}\\in {\\mathcal{Z}}\\backslash{\\{z\\}}}
+ \\sum_{e\\in {\\mathcal{E}}}{{\\rm{gen}}_{h,m,y,z,e}}
- \\sum_{e\in {\\mathcal{STOR}}}{{\\rm{charge}}_{h,m,y,z,e}}
\\quad\\forall h,m,y,z
import pyoptinterface as poi
[docs]class AddDemandConstraints:
"""This class contains demand constraints.
[docs] def __init__(self, model : object) -> None:
"""Initialize the class and add constraints.
model : object
Model object depending on the solver.
self.model = model
model.power_balance_cons = poi.make_tupledict(
model.hour, model.month, model.year, model.zone,
[docs] def power_balance_rule(
self, h : int, m : int, y : int, z : str
) -> poi.ConstraintIndex:
"""Nodal power balance. The total electricity demand for each time
period and in each zone should be met by the following.
1. The sum of imported power energy from other zones.
2. The generation from zone z minus the sum of exported power
energy from zone z to other zones.
3. The charging power energy of storage technologies in zone z.
h : int
m : int
y : int
z : str
The constraint of the model.
model = self.model
load = model.params['demand']
imp_z = poi.quicksum(
model.trans_import[h, m, y, z1, z] for z1 in model.zone
exp_z = poi.quicksum(
model.trans_export[h, m, y, z, z1] for z1 in model.zone
gen_z = poi.quicksum(
model.gen[h, m, y, z, te] for te in model.tech
charge_z = poi.quicksum(
model.charge[h, m, y, z, te] for te in model.storage_tech
demand_z = load[z, y, m, h]
lhs = demand_z - (imp_z - exp_z + gen_z - charge_z)
return model.add_linear_constraint(lhs, poi.Eq, 0)