Source code for prepshot._model.co2

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module contains the constraints and expressions related to
carbon emissions. The model computes the carbon emissions for each year, 
based on the sum of carbon emissions from each zone, and from each technology
as follows:

.. math::

    {\\rm{gen}}_{h,m,y,z,e}\\right)\\quad\\forall y

The calculated carbon emission for each year lower than its upper bound, as follows:

.. math::
    {\\rm{carbon}}_y\\le{\\overline{{\\rm{CARBON}}}}_y\\quad\\forall y
import pyoptinterface as poi
import numpy as np

[docs]class AddCo2EmissionConstraints: """Class for carbon emission constraints and calculations. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model : object) -> None: """Initialize the class. Parameters ---------- model : object Model object depending on the solver. """ self.model = model model.carbon_breakdown = poi.make_tupledict( model.year,,, rule=self.carbon_breakdown ) model.carbon_capacity = poi.make_tupledict( model.year,, rule=self.emission_calc_by_zone_rule ) model.carbon = poi.make_tupledict( model.year, rule=self.emission_calc_rule ) model.emission_limit_cons = poi.make_tupledict( model.year, rule=self.emission_limit_rule )
[docs] def emission_limit_rule(self, y : int) -> poi.ConstraintIndex: """Annual carbon emission limits across all zones and technologies. Parameters ---------- y : int Planned year. Returns ------- poi.ConstraintIndex A constraint of the model. """ model = self.model limit = model.params['carbon_emission_limit'] if limit[y] == np.Inf: return None lhs = model.carbon[y] - limit[y] return model.add_linear_constraint(lhs, poi.Leq, 0)
[docs] def emission_calc_rule(self, y : int) -> poi.ConstraintIndex: """Calculation of annual carbon emission across all zones and technologies. Parameters ---------- y : int Planned year. Returns ------- poi.ConstraintIndex A constraint of the model. """ model = self.model return poi.quicksum(, '*'))
[docs] def emission_calc_by_zone_rule( self, y : int, z : str ) -> poi.ConstraintIndex: """Calculation of annual carbon emissions by zone. Parameters ---------- y : int Planned year. z : str Zone. Returns ------- poi.ConstraintIndex A constraint of the model. """ model = self.model return poi.quicksum(, z, '*'))
[docs] def carbon_breakdown( self, y : int, z : str, te : str ) -> poi.ExprBuilder: """Carbon emission cost breakdown. Parameters ---------- y : int Year. z : str Zone. te : str Technology. Returns ------- poi.ExprBuilder The expression of the model. """ model = self.model ef = model.params['emission_factor'][te, y] dt = model.params['dt'] return ef * dt * poi.quicksum('*', '*', y, z, te))